
Robust lesson creation and delivery tool aids assessment

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Great for

Assessment, Classroom Management, Formative Assessment, Instructional Design, Instructional Strategies, Lesson Planning

Price: Free
Platforms: Web, Chrome

Pros: Supports a wide variety of interactive activities and lessons.

Cons: Limited accessibility features; tool is meant for fourth grade and up.

Bottom Line: With some creativity, this interactive platform can support instruction and assessment.

At first, teachers may want to select a lesson or activity from the Marketplace to get a feel for what's possible. There's a ton of content there that's free for the taking. Once you have a lesson or two under your belt, you'll have a better idea of which types of cards and features you like and that work for your purposes. Then, dive in and build your own lessons. The range of instructional options should meet most needs, as there are features for whiteboard instruction, polling, and assessment. Get a sense of where your students are by introducing a concept with a quick short-answer or multiple-choice question, or a word cloud. Then, as you present more information, build in quick checks for understanding, or incorporate SEL-informed questions to get a sense of how well your students are grasping the material and feeling about their progress.

Since you can deliver lessons remotely, ClassFlow is a good fit for distance learning. However, it's an engaging tool for in-person instruction as well, especially if you have access to an interactive whiteboard. Be sure to offer your students opportunities to respond in collaborative groups and take part in activities that help them create their own understanding of concepts; these opportunities to create will give them a break from being passive learners and provide chances to connect with their peers.

ClassFlow is a free lesson delivery platform. With ClassFlow, teachers can create content-rich lessons that feature a mixture of interactive whiteboard presentation and device-based quizzing, polling, and responses. They can then deliver these lessons via an interactive whiteboard or directly to whatever web-enabled devices students might be using. The platform works in a variety of scenarios: remote, blended, 1-to-1, flipped classroom, or in-person. 

The nuts and bolts of lesson creation are quite simple. Teachers create or pull in content from their own resources, from the site's Marketplace, or from web- or cloud-based resources, and then integrate these resources into a series of cards similar to PowerPoint slides. Lessons can be taught via an interactive whiteboard or by sharing them virtually to students' devices. Students join via a class code or URL to participate in real time. Learning activities include flash cards, sequencing, matching, crosswords, and word searches. There are also a variety of assessment options such as multiple-choice, true/false, short text, and creative responses. The site collects and stores this assessment data for teachers' use once the lesson has ended. 

ClassFlow's tools offer students ways to communicate and/or cement understanding and then transfer knowledge, but it's up to teachers to guide them there. Teachers will need to balance manageable chunks of info with engaging interactive activities. ClassFlow can support this, and can help teachers inform or adjust instruction on the fly, but it'll come down to individual teachers' creativity. However, the tools are there to, for instance, check understanding using a quick poll, then use the results to reteach a concept for the whole class and/or create and deliver differentiated follow-up lessons. This process of instruction, feedback, and adjustment can go a long way toward helping students understand what's being taught at the moment. Bear in mind, however, that this push toward a learning process focused on higher-order thinking isn't necessarily baked in or scaffolded for teachers. So while ClassFlow isn't necessarily reinventing instruction, it's usefully refining instructional flow and providing tools that can support positive pedagogical adjustments.

Be prepared for some initial frustration. For some instant features, such as the quick start polls and whiteboard, creating and delivering material isn't  intuitive. The video tutorials help, but teachers may find that they run into dead ends when getting started. Also, it'd be helpful if incorporating activities like polls and quick formative assessment-type questions into lesson cards was more seamless.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Real-time polls and assessments grab students' attention, but keeping it will depend on what's done outside of ClassFlow.


Curated lessons can target multiple learning goals and provide data that informs instruction. Collaborative features encourage idea sharing.


Learning every feature will take time but the Marketplace and help page offer support. Site could use more accessibility features for students.

Common Sense reviewer
Marianne Rogowski
Marianne Rogowski Instructional Technology Facilitator

Community Rating

Online education tools worth using!

A cloud-based classroom scheduling application that helps teachers to create, distribute, and analyze student knowledge from a variety of devices.Teachers can use real-time student feedback to make timely adjustments to lesson plans.

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Privacy Rating

Data Safety How safe is this product?

  • Users can interact with trusted users.
  • Users can interact with untrusted users, including strangers and/or adults.
  • Profile information must be shared for social interactions.

Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?

  • Users can create or upload content.
  • Users retain ownership of their data.
  • Processes to access or review user data are available.

Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?

  • Personal information is not shared for third-party marketing.
  • Traditional or contextual advertisements are not displayed.
  • Personalised advertising is not displayed.

Continue reading about this tool's privacy practices, including data collection, sharing, and security.

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