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The web is full of questionable stuff, from rumors and inaccurate information to outright lies and so-called fake news. So how do we help students…
News & Media Literacy
Most of us use a lot of digital media in our daily lives -- even when we don't realize it! Having a balance between online and offline time is…
Media Balance & Well-Being
Our digital footprints can impact our future. What others find about us online shapes how they see us or feel about us. Help your students…
Digital Footprint & Identity
We know not to believe everything we hear, but what about what we see? Advancements in computer-generated graphics, facial recognition, and video…
Our brains are great at using past experiences to make quick decisions on the fly, but these shortcuts can also lead to bias. "Confirmation bias" is…
Tagging friends on social media is a great way to connect with others and capture memorable experiences. But what if they don't want to be tagged?…
We've all faced thorny situations where what we say or do could potentially harm or hurt someone. Being honest is important, but is there such a…
Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech
As humans, we thrive on social connections and group associations. But this tendency can also lead us to be suspicious of people outside our group.…
Many of us are aware that we're being tracked when we go online. It's one of the ways our favorite websites and apps know how to recommend content…
Privacy & Security
With mobile phone alerts, social media updates, and 24/7 news cycles, it's hard to escape the daily flood of breaking news. But do kids really…
Having conversations online, without nonverbal cues or being able to see people, can be awkward and sometimes even risky -- with drawbacks from…
Relationships & Communication
We often use our phones or other devices without even thinking about it. But paying closer attention to how -- and how much -- we use digital media…
Social media gives us a chance to choose how we present ourselves to the world. We can snap and share a pic in the moment or carefully stage photos…
Sometimes when you're using media, it's hard to stop. Lots of people even say they feel "addicted" to their phones or the apps and games they use.…
We use digital media every day, from texting, streaming TV shows, and gaming all the way to using voice assistants or ordering our food online. For…