UK Lesson Plan
Digital Media and Your Brain (UK)
How does digital media try to hook you and what can you do about it?
45 mins.
Explore ways that different digital media are, and aren't, designed to help them make good media choices.
Reflect on how digital media is designed to either help or hinder the addition of meaning and value to their lives.
Think about how to develop good, healthy habits when using digital media.
Vocabulary Show definitions
addictive design ·
feedback loop ·
habit ·
humane design
addictive design – features or aspects of a device or app that are intended to hook the user into frequent use
feedback loop – when you get a response to something you do or post online, causing your brain to experience a temporary moment of pleasure
habit – something we do automatically without thinking
humane design – features or aspects of a device or an app that prioritise what's good for people's lives
Key Standards Supported
Lesson Plan
45 mins.