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Collaborative feedback platform helps teachers target, students respond and revise

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Skills

Character & SEL, Critical Thinking

Great for

Formative Assessment, Instructional Strategies

Price: Free
Platforms: Web

Pros: Streamlines the process of giving targeted feedback to students and lets them collaborate to improve learning outcomes.

Cons: Teachers can't respond to student comments when using the peer review feature, so correcting misinformation may be a challenge.

Bottom Line: Time-saving tool allows teachers to gain valuable insights into student learning while providing more personalized feedback and scaffolded supports.

Teachers stretched for time may find Floop to be a useful way to increase the quality and quantity of feedback students receive and show students the value of using teacher and peer comments to improve learning outcomes. Because teachers can respond to individual students as well as run peer review sessions, the amount of feedback students can receive increases significantly. While it doesn't replace the conversations that are vital to student understanding, teachers can use this platform to provide students with actionable steps they can take to improve upon their writing, mathematical thinking, digital drawing, or pretty much any task they can capture in an image.

Consider pairing Floop with a tool like Flipgrid or Screencast-o-matic, and ask students to explain their thinking process or respond to feedback they received from classmates during a peer review. Teachers should also consider using the site's Feedback Literacy curriculum, which consists of a series of scaffolded lessons that teach kids how to seek and make sense of feedback so that they can use it to learn.

Note: Teachers may want to limit themselves to two to three pieces of feedback per student, especially at first. Giving much more than that might set up unrealistic expectations about how much back-and-forth students should expect -- and it could be overwhelming. It's much more effective to give students a few pieces of high-quality feedback and then give them the space to revise their work and grow as independent learners.

Floop is a cloud-based website where students can receive annotated feedback from teachers and peers. Using any internet-connected device, students upload images of an assignment to the platform, and teachers put markers in places where they want to provide written feedback. Students are able to see and respond to comments, creating a feedback loop that allows teachers to see patterns of student learning. Teachers may choose to run anonymous peer review sessions where students respond to guided questions on their classmates' work and in return receive comments on their submissions. For this feature, teachers can monitor feedback sessions and view student responses, but they can't comment on them. 

Teachers build a bank of drag-and-drop comments over time, which increases efficiency. However, since there's no library of pre-created comments, it will take teachers a while to build their bank. Although there's a search feature for comments, there's no way to organize them by topic or learning goal. Teachers should keep this in mind when creating their comments so that they're only adding the most useful ones to the bank.

Floop makes it possible for students to receive teacher and peer feedback in less time than traditional methods, which is valuable because effective feedback is a solid, research-backed teaching and learning strategy. Since teachers can see the students' replies, and students can submit new versions of their work, it's a great fit for formative assessment. Plus, students are learning social and emotional skills like perseverance and self-reflection as they revise. Guiding students through the process of giving effective feedback to their peers sharpens students' ability to think critically. Taking the feedback and making changes to their initial work encourages metacognition.

Specifically, the ability to add markers to target spots in a student's work, include comments, and see that student's reply creates a powerful loop that grading by hand doesn't offer. And, if teachers take some time to build up a bank of their commonly used comments, it could save a lot of time if they encounter lots of similar stumbling blocks on assignments. Floop's peer review feature is also a great addition, though it would be helpful for teachers to be able to weigh in on those threads in case there's misinformation. If teachers could record audio feedback, it would make Floop more accessible.

Ultimately, Floop's impact on student learning depends on the quality of the feedback and how students interact with it, but the tool offers the features a teacher needs to maximize that impact.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Receiving timely feedback and being able to respond and ask the teacher questions privately encourages student buy-in.


With teacher guidance and meaningful feedback from peers, there are real opportunities for skill-building and deeper conceptual understanding.


The platform is easy to learn and use. Additional supports such as text-to-speech or the ability to record audio feedback would assist students with unique learning needs.

Common Sense reviewer
Marianne Rogowski
Marianne Rogowski Instructional Technology Facilitator

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Privacy Rating

Data Safety How safe is this product?

  • Users can interact with trusted users.
  • Unclear whether personal information can be displayed publicly.
  • User-created content is not filtered for personal information before being made publicly visible.

Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?

  • Users can create or upload content.
  • Processes to access or review user data are available.
  • Processes to modify data are available for authorized users.

Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?

  • Personal information is not shared for third-party marketing.
  • Traditional or contextual advertisements are displayed.
  • Personalised advertising is not displayed.

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