
ELA site mixes grammar and writing practice, layers in useful feedback

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Skills

Communication & Collaboration, English Language Arts, English-Language Learning

Price: Free, Paid
Platforms: Web

Pros: Comprehensive content. Authentic writing activities with tons of feedback.

Cons: Some activities are formulaic or predictable. Students might guess their way through exercises.

Bottom Line: This tool has meaningfully evolved over time, expanding the range of skills students build and offering students helpful suggestions for improvement.

NoRedInk can be a handy complement to in-depth writing instruction. An effective flow for using NoRedInk would look something like this:

  1. Assign a diagnostic task for the whole class. 
  2. Review results from the diagnostic and provide targeted, standards-based instruction.
  3. Provide practice for students in the target group. 
  4. Assess progress and identify further support needs.

Because the platform is both diagnostic and instructive, teachers can meet students where they are at first and then help them hone specific skills. Although some students will struggle with the grind of grammar and writing practice, teachers can use the site to identify areas of potential growth for students and then assign activities to help them improve. Since many of the prompts and activities are connected to students' interests, teachers can spend less time trying to come up with meaningful content and more time giving quality feedback that will actually help kids become better, more proficient writers.

NoRedInk is a website designed to help students learn and practice essential elements of English grammar and elements of good writing. Teachers can create classes, add students, and assign specific skills to lead students toward mastery. It has material for just about every possible writing convention, ranging from subject-verb agreement and parallelism to compound sentence structure and citation formats. NoRedInk also allows teachers to create and assign writing prompts, expanding assessment potential beyond grammar drills. Within the teacher dashboard, it's easy to see students' work completion and progress toward mastery of individual skills. The diagnostics, practice, and quiz elements give detailed information about each student. The Premium version adds some of the site's best features, including a complete curriculum for grammar and writing as well as tools to help students revise and improve their writing. 

For students, NoRedInk allows for some degree of personalization. Students can select their interests (sports, movies, TV shows, books, etc.) and then see passages reflecting these interests. When beginning a new topic, NoRedInk gives straightforward instruction and learning tips and then provides clear, easy-to-understand support as students build understanding. Students can easily monitor their own progress and identify areas for growth.

Research shows that becoming a good writer requires engaging writing assignments, quality feedback, and a well-maintained reading habit. NoRedInk can be a useful tool for helping students master writing conventions and improve their writing style and fluency. Students benefit from targeted practice to learn and develop specific skills, and the content-rich platform allows teachers to quickly identify where students need help and target instruction to provide them with greater support. Plus, encouraging revisions through feedback means that kids will spend more time improving the quality of writing they produce.

There's a ton of content on the site to help with specific grammatical skills, as well as excellent feedback and support for motivated students to dig in. Even though students might find some of the interest-based content a little cheesy or stale, it provides some personalization and can be effective in small doses. These targeted exercises and writing activities, along with getting students to use the support within the tool, should grow students' understanding of writing and grammar mechanics. Teachers can then use the dashboard to easily target instruction and help students set clearly defined goals as they refine their writing skills. 

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

The site goes to great lengths to make learning grammar interesting and meaningful, but teacher engagement and feedback are key.


Mixes writing and interest-based practice that students can easily apply in other subject areas. Supports peer feedback and revision of writing.


Students can grow their writing skills no matter where they start. Good diagnostics. Great dashboard. Contextual support during exercises.

Common Sense reviewer
Marianne Rogowski
Marianne Rogowski Instructional Technology Facilitator

Community Rating

MY Option

okay i'm sorry but this is the worst website ever now this website says its to help you master the skill for example i had a comma no red ink assignment half my students it took them almost 3 hours to do because of the fact that when you get a question wrong it makes you do 3 to get back on track. but during those 3 questions their normally not the same concept or type of question as the one you got wrong. finally when it gives you the popup saying "looks like your having some trouble check here to get help" than it gives you this paper about how to do it which doesn't help you because its just for in general not that question i'm sorry if you love this app but this is my honest opinion.

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Privacy Rating

Data Safety How safe is this product?

  • Users can interact with trusted users.
  • Users cannot interact with untrusted users, including strangers and/or adults.
  • Profile information must be shared for social interactions.

Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?

  • Users can create or upload content.
  • Users retain ownership of their data.
  • Processes to access or review user data are available.

Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?

  • Personal information is not shared for third-party marketing.
  • Traditional or contextual advertisements are not displayed.
  • Personalised advertising is not displayed.

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