What's Cyberbullying? (Quick Activity)
What is cyberbullying and what can you do to stop it?
5Vocabulary Show definitions
bully ·
bullying ·
bystander ·
cyberbullying ·
empathy ·
target ·
bully – the person who is doing the bullying
bullying – unwanted and aggressive verbal, social, or physical behavior towards another
bystander – someone who sees a bullying or cyberbullying situation, but doesn?۪t do anything to stop it
cyberbullying – using digital devices, sites, and apps to intimidate, harm, and upset someone
empathy – to imagine the feelings that someone else is experiencing
target – the person who is on the receiving end of the bullying
upstander – a person who supports and stands up for someone else
Key Standards Supported
Lesson Plan
15 mins.