Looking for a new application, service, or other edtech tool for your school or district?

Reviewing all the available information about a tool's privacy practices is an essential but complex step in the vetting process. With Privacy Direct from Common Sense, gain deeper insights and a more personalized understanding of edtech tools and their policies. Learn how you can access complete privacy evaluation data for hundreds of products—so you can search, sort, and make decisions about the privacy concerns that are relevant to you.

Get Privacy Direct

Now available free for schools and districts of any size. 

Originally $79. Now FREE to download

Customizable Privacy Data

Save time and personalize your vetting and approval process with detailed evaluation data on more than 600 of the most commonly used edtech and consumer products. Compare multiple tools at the same time, filter by privacy rating, and more.

Easy Integration and Automatic Updates

Privacy Direct can be imported into your current LMS or app-approval process via a CSV spreadsheet. Choose the questions and categories that matter most to you, and the report will update monthly so the data stays current.

Independent, Nonprofit, and Evidence Based

Since 2016, Common Sense has partnered with 250 schools and districts in the U.S. to create privacy ratings for popular edtech products used in classrooms for their stated compliance with COPPA, FERPA, and other statutes, laws, and best practices that govern the handling and sharing of student data. The results of the careful reading of each vendor's privacy policies and terms of service are available for free.