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Digital Citizenship Curriculum
Use digital citizenship lesson plans to address timely topics and prepare students to take ownership of their digital lives. Browse lessons by grade and topic below, or see an overview of the curriculum.
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Meet Arms of the Digital Citizens!
How do we balance our time with technology?
Meet Feet of the Digital Citizens!
What footprints are you leaving online?
Device-Free Moments
Why is it important that we have device-free moments in our lives?
That's Private!
What kinds of information should I keep to myself when I use the internet?
Digital Trails
What information is OK to have in your digital footprint?
Private and Personal Information
What information about you is OK to share online?
Our Online Tracks
How does our online activity affect the digital footprints of ourselves and others?
Finding Balance in a Digital World
How do we balance digital media use in our lives?
Who Are You Online?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of presenting yourself in different ways online?
My Media Use: A Personal Challenge
What is your strategy for finding media balance?
Digital Media and Your Brain
How does digital media try to hook you, and what can you do about it?
Being Aware of What You Share
How can you protect your privacy when you're online?
Social Media and Digital Footprints: Our Responsibilities
How does using social media affect our digital footprints?
My Digital Life Is Like ...
What is the role of digital media in our lives?
Protecting Online Reputations
How can you respect the privacy of others online?
Social Media and How You Feel
How does your social media use affect how you feel?
Risk Check for New Tech
What privacy risks do new technologies present, and how do we decide if they're worth it?
Curated Lives
How can I create a social media presence that represents the real me?
Can Media Be Addictive?
Are we addicted to our devices, and, if so, are companies to blame?
How Young Is Too Young for Social Media?
At what age should people be allowed to use social media?
Who's Looking at Your Digital Footprint?
How can information you post online affect your future opportunities?
Debating the Privacy Line
Should the government have access to all your social media and cellphone data?
The Change You Want to See
How can you create a digital footprint that showcases your purpose?
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