Tech Habit Challenge
How can I build positive habits around media and tech to support my well-being?
45 mins.
Reflect on the role that media and tech play in their lives, both positively and negatively.
Use active listening strategies to help others reflect on their tech habits.
Develop a personal challenge to change a tech habit in a way that supports well-being.
Vocabulary Show definitions
digital well-being ·
digital well-being – experiencing media and technology in ways that support one's mental, physical, social, and emotional health
habits – automatic routines or things we do, often without even really thinking about them
Key Standards Supported
Lesson Plan
45 mins.
Part 1: What Are Habits?
10 mins.Part 2: Tech Habits Interview
20 mins.Part 3: Create a Tech Habit Challenge
15 mins.Recommended Lesson Extension

This lesson was co-created with the Center for Digital Thriving at Harvard Graduate School of Education.